I knew I would run across them sooner or later. They were in the house somewhere. I am a picture taker and picture saver. I have lots of old pics of my family from long ago and I also knew I had a number of Pier School class pictures around. While I was looking for something else the other day, I ran across my pictures that, thankfully, my mom had purchased and saved for so many years. I have had them a long, long time and was wanting to put them on this blog for anyone to see if they should stumble by someday. I know there is not too many folks from Pier looking at this blog yet, but someday maybe "they will come." So I post these pictures today in hopes that you might find yourself in one or more of them. Such fond memories I have, and although there are a few kids I don't remember names for, I do remember most of them. DO YOU!
PS. If you have anything to contribute, please contact me.